Farhan Reza
Hi there, Farhan Reza is the Open Source contributor and Developer of diff-ymd-package and if-follow-package👋
About Farhan Reza:
Farhan Reza is a passionate software developer
dedicated for efforting
in order to craft impactful solutions for the betterment of our community. His developments span over a variety of technologies, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, MERN stack, React, React Native, jQuery, HTML, CSS, CSS-in-JS, YAML, Webpack, Vite, Markdown, jsDoc, DevTools, and Django.
Farhan Reza’s GitHub Stats:
Form more, See here
Farhan Reza Published Packages:
Hoping you to explore diff-ymd-package
the JavaScript library providing versatile APIs to calculate date differences in various formats like (aYears bMonths cDays)
or (aY bM cD)
. Examples include age = 20Y 2M 23D
or datesDifference = 2Years 11Months 20Days
. See diff-ymd-package
on npm registry
and GitHub package registry
Hoping you to explore if-follow-package
which provides versatile APIs for managing followers and followings on GitHub
. See if-follow-package
on npm registry
and GitHub package registry
Farhan Reza Showcase Projects:
Tools and Technologies Farhan Reza Uses:
Connect with Farhan Reza:
Let’s connected and collaborating on exciting projects! Feel free to reach out for collaboration, contributions, or just a tech chat.